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Philos LCP


Philos Plate (Proximal Humerus Locking Compression Plate) is an orthopedic implant specifically designed for the treatment of fractures and injuries to the proximal humerus, which is the upper part of the arm bone (humerus).

Below are some specifications and common uses of the Philos Plate.

  1. Design: The Philos Plate is a locking compression plate. It is typically made of a biocompatible material, such as stainless steel or titanium, to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or rejection by the body.
  2. Anatomical Contour: The plate is anatomically contoured to match the shape of the proximal humerus. This helps in achieving a better fit and stability for the fractured bone.
  3. Screw Holes: The plate features multiple holes of different sizes and orientations to accommodate locking screws. The locking screws used with this plate are designed to lock into the plate itself, providing enhanced stability.
  4. Variable Angle Locking: Some Philos Plates are equipped with variable-angle locking options for screws. This feature allows surgeons to achieve optimal screw placement and fixation in complex fractures.
  5. Plate Length and Options: Philos Plates come in various lengths and may have options for different numbers of screw holes, depending on the specific fracture pattern and the surgeon’s preference.

Common Uses:

  • Proximal Humerus Fractures: The primary use of the Philos Plate is for the treatment of fractures of the proximal humerus. These fractures can vary in severity, ranging from simple non-displaced fractures to complex, multi-fragment fractures. The Philos Plate is particularly useful in the surgical management of these complex fractures.
  • Osteoporotic Fractures: Proximal humerus fractures are more common in elderly individuals, often related to osteoporosis. The Philos Plate is a valuable tool for providing stability and promoting fracture healing in individuals with compromised bone quality.
  • Trauma and Injury: Proximal humerus fractures can also result from high-impact trauma, such as falls, sports injuries, or car accidents. In such cases, surgical intervention with a Philos Plate may be necessary to restore bone alignment and joint function.
  • Postoperative Stabilization: The Philos Plate can be used in both primary fracture fixation and revision surgeries. It is used to provide stability and maintain proper alignment in cases where initial fracture repair may have failed or complications have arisen.
  • Fracture Healing: The plate facilitates the healing process by providing support to the fractured bone, which helps promote bone union and restores functionality to the shoulder joint.


TITANIUM GR-V5027-35-03 TO 5027-35-14
STAINLESS STEEL 316L3027-35-03 TO 3027-35-14

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